Clinical Decision Support Integrated with Concurrent Documentation

Dynamic Clinical Decision Support Systems

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Given that this company is in the early stages of development, all MedTx content is still under peer-review process and responsibility for clinical decision falls upon the user. As always, Emergency Department patient care must be administered and directed by a board-certified Emergency Medicine Physician who assumes complete care and responsibility of the patient without reliance on this site. Specific data should be confirmed with reference with a definitive source until completion of peer review process. Please see disclaimer page for additional information.

  • Provides Clinical Decision Support for the 100 most common Emergency Department presentations.
  • Automatically creates customized chart to patient encounter.
  • Mitigates medico-legal risk and reduces under billing.
  • Can be used to implment new institutional protocols for EDs, clinics, and hospitals for physicians and midlevel providers.
  • Can be used as educational resource to trainees.

Point Of Care Search Of EM Resources (External MedTx):


Interactive Clinical Decision Support System that creates concurrent notes). Consolidation of the evaluation of the patient, application of clinical decision rules to the patient’s condition, employing evidenced based guidelines, with concurrent automated documentation of aforementioned tasks by using one semi-structured process. Goal to decrease preventable medical errors, improving efficiency, completeness of documentation for communication of clinical information, while avoiding inadequate billing for level of care rendered and specific attention to high medico-legal aspects of the practice. In essence, maximizing physician-patient time and automating the rest. Plan for seamless integration into any EMR with accessible APIs. Of note, the user assumes all responsibility for care of the patient given this is the developmental stages and the peer-review process is not complete.
Smart Notes© are designed to consolidate all of the digital needs of the Emergency Physician into one place with semi-structured automation. Smart Notes provide: 1) a systematic approach to common ED complaints, 2) prompt reminders to reduce preventable errors for key elements of history, exam, differential, diagnostics, and treatment, 3) incorporation of Clinical Decision Support Systems into the MDM while addressing the applicability of the rules to the patient, 4) suggested pre-completed plans based upon interpretation of results, 5) automated concurrent documentation of encounter with an emphasis on adequacy of chart to prevent under-billing, and special attention as advised by MedTx’s staff attorney for mitigating exposure in known high risk medico-legal aspects. Plan for seamless interfacing with every EMR that has granted accessible
POC MedTx Reference Materials: There is no paucity of FOAM literature on the internet for Emergency Medicine clinicians. The reference section is a repository of the information from textbooks, lectures, other FOAM sites, expert attending physicians, and impressive colleagues that I found particularly useful and hope to help disseminate for the greater good of the common medical knowledge base.
Visual Antibiotics: A guide for antibiotic stewardship in the ED based upon syndrome and diagnosis. The spacial arrangement of the information in a way to show why we use which antibiotic regimens based upon the common bacteria implicated in a given syndrome. (Created with guidance of one of the brightest new attending to academic Emergency Medicine, Dr. Alex Sheng).
Pediatric Weight Based Calculator: An interactive tool to generate a prescription (generate instructions to be copied, paste into EMR or e-prescribing instructions) for weight based medication prescribing with the goal of reducing preventable medical errors from miscalculations. Of note, this information should always be checked by a pharmacist.
Auto Sign Out: An interactive structured sign out tool that provides a format for communication of the transfer of care of a patient that is evidenced based. Concurrently, creates a note (can select the generated note, copy, paste into EMR) which summarizes the pertinent aspects of the transfer of care and prompts the accepting physician to follow up on the pending items.

For the Health of the People: (A philanthropic bipartisan open letter advocating for the health of the people of our a nation that is open for signatures and actively being distributed to the senate, congress, the president-elect, and the press).

Founder, CEO: Trevor C. Wilson, MD