Clinical Decision Support Integrated with Concurrent Documentation
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- Connector.
Edit charts
Create multiple charts using different CDSS scenarios.
- Connector.
Save charts
Securely save your charts for later use.
- Connector.
Manage Charts
Load saved charts, delete, rename, and more.
Given that this company is in the early stages of development, all MedTx content is still under peer-review process and responsibility for clinical decision falls upon the user. As always, Emergency Department patient care must be administered and directed by a board-certified Emergency Medicine Physician who assumes complete care and responsibility of the patient without reliance on this site. Specific data should be confirmed with reference with a definitive source until completion of peer review process. Please see disclaimer page for additional information.
- Provides Clinical Decision Support for the 100 most common Emergency Department presentations.
- Automatically creates customized chart to patient encounter.
- Mitigates medico-legal risk and reduces under billing.
- Can be used to implment new institutional protocols for EDs, clinics, and hospitals for physicians and midlevel providers.
- Can be used as educational resource to trainees.
Point Of Care Search Of EM Resources (External MedTx):
For the Health of the People: (A philanthropic bipartisan open letter advocating for the health of the people of our a nation that is open for signatures and actively being distributed to the senate, congress, the president-elect, and the press).
Founder, CEO: Trevor C. Wilson, MD