CXR Indications

  • (references provided to me courtesy of Dr Kair Yadav)

  • Royal Australian College of General Practitioners recommends against ordering chest x-rays in patients with uncomplicated acute bronchitis (Choosing Wisely Australia 2016 Mar 1)
  • chest x-ray for suspected pneumonia usually not indicated in healthy adults < 70 years of age unless pneumonia is suspected due to all of the following(2)
    • tachycardia
    • tachypnea
    • fever
    • abnormal chest exam findings such as rales, egophony, tactile fremitus

Example Documentation:

Given patient is not comorbid, not other extremes of age, there are no abnormal vital signs-specifically no tachycardia, no tachypnea, no fever, and the pulmonary exam is unremarkable, bacterial pneumonia is sufficiently unlikely that a chest radiograph is not indicated at this time. Patient was advised to return precautions in case of subsequent development of superimposed bacterial infection.