Incomplete Macros***
  • Normal EKG:
    • EKG: NSR, regular rate, normal axis, normal intervals, no abnormal TWI, no ST elevation/depression. Interpretation: Non-remarkable EKG
  • Syncope Context (Normal EKG)
    • EKG: Normal Sinus Rhythm. No arrythmia (no PACs, no PVCs), no brugada wave, no prolonged QTc, no delta wave/no shortened PR, no episilon wave, no evidence of ischemia. Interpretation: No cardiogenic etiology for syncope obvious on EKG. 
***Incomplete Macros are sample documentations that are designed for purposes of demonstrating a systematic approach to an emergent evaluation in synchrony with the documentation.  It could be useful for formulating an approach, serving as reminders for specific details that are often forgotten in the evaluation, and sample formating as well as usage of the medical lexicon in documentation.  This is NOT designed to be copied and pasted into a note as this is for obvious reasons fraught with medico-legal and as well clinical problems.  Additionally, as always, this is not intended to and cannot be used in place of clinical judgement and all clinical evaluations require the close involvement of an experienced faculty member (keep in mind that I am a resident, i.e. trainee).