Presentation today with symptomatology consistent with urinary tract infection. Urinary analysis sent which is reviewing a pyuria phone no battery no room Gram stain. Urine pregnancy was negative. Urine culture and gonorrhea chlamydia cultures sent with CCC request for follow-up. Patient prescribed impaired course of Keflex based upon local sensitivities and previous culture. Suspect most likely urinary tract infection given constellation of symptoms. There’s no evidence to this time suggested that face and stomach infection and therefore less likely pyelonephritis. Well cannot rule out sexual transmitted infection, the patient has sufficiently well risk sexual risk features and is no symptomatology specifically concerning for sexually transmitted infections supposed to urinary tract infection. Therefore will treat for most likely cause-UTI and advise patient to follow up or return to the emergency department if symptoms persist as well as sending a urine Korean Clementia culture for definitive testing. With CCC callback mechanism in place._
presentation is most consistent with