- definition core temperature under 35C
- Evaluated for severity of hypothermia:
- Mild (33 – 35), clinically usually seen altered mental status.
- Moderate (30-32), decreased level of consciousness , 32 J waves
- severe (22-28) , low BP, arrhythmias
- Profound (less than 20), asystole. Lowest survivable 13. bradycardia is to be expected with hypothermia. If tachycardic, consider concurrent alternative process.Atropine not affected.
- Evaluated for potential causes:
- Decreased heat production ( POC Cucos, TSH)
- Increased heat loss (exposure)
- Impaired thermoregulation (age, alcohol )
- Infection, less likely when clear alternative because for hypothermia however will work for findings of source of infection on exam.
- diagnostically
- point of care glucose
- ABC, CMP, lipase , calcium, magnesium , coags
- considered the selective utility of:
- thyroid studies
- cardiac biomarkers
- serum cortisol levels
- liberal use of radiography (CXR, abdominal CT, spinal CT) given concurrent possible trauma and sequelae of ileus, pancreatitis Oracle trauma secondary to hypothermia
- therapeutically:
- IVF usually dehydrated and cold diuresis
- monitored electrolytes Jorenby warming. Replete potassium if < 3
- D5 normal saline 500 mL
- intubation nasotracheal way if trismus
- IVF at 40 to 42 (1 L place in microwave for two minutes) (avoid LR)
- if dysrhythmia, difibribullate
- if unsuccessful, warm to greater than 30 then resume defibrillation
- If bradycardic, transcutaneous pacing
- if failure to rewarm, and considering:
- adrenal cortical insufficiency, hundred milligrams IV hydrocortisone given.
- thyroid dysfunction given 500 g levothyroxine
- Empirical anabiotics
- Goal rewarming 0.5 to 2C per hour unless dysrhythmia then faster.
- Passive rewarming utilized ( bear hugger)
- active rewarming utilized when temperature under 32 ( considered the risks however benefits outweigh risks for thermal injury to hypoperfused skin)
- if available, would use extracorporeal blood warming:
- Venovenous circuit, hemodialysis, continuous AV rewarming, cardiopulmonary bypass
- Disposition:
- if temperature 32 to 35 , hemodynamically stable and safe disposition patient is appropriate for discharge.
- If under 32, well admit
- transfer to higher level of care