Psych Medical Evaluation

The patient is medically cleared for psychiatric evaluation. 
The patient does not have any acute medical emergency requiring medical intervention prior to psychiatric evaluation.
The medical screening evaluation did not reveal any clear medical conditions which are thought to be more likely as causative to the patient’s psychiatric complaints than primarily psychiatric pathology. 
Given the most likely etiology for the patient’s symptoms at this time would require an emergent psych evaluation and the risks of delayed psychiatric evaluation outweigh the benefit of additional medical evaluation, the patient is to be evaluated by psychiatry.

This emergency medical screening examination does exclude all underlying medical conditions which may be contributory or exacerbating the patient’s psychiatric complaints (as this is not feasible to be done in an medical screening exam).  Additionally, the patient may have additional comorbidities/medical need which will need to be addressed on an non-emergent basis. 
Patient transferred to care of psychiatrist for evaluation of patient’s psychiatrist complaints. 
*This information is intended for educational purposes only and not intended for use in patient care (which requires a trained credentialed attending physician and individualization of the medical care plan to the specific patient).