- -mod_mechanical_injury-TBF
- .Emergent Interventions (Adult)
- .Emergent Interventions (Peds)
- 2023
- 2023-instructions
- Abdominal Pain – (Lower)
- Abdominal Pain (Lower)
- Abdominal Pain (Lower) SNDN nfm
- Abdominal Pain (Lower) SNDN v1 fm
- Abdominal Pain (RLQ)
- Abdominal Pain (Upper)
- Abdominal Pain Lower – sncdss
- Abscess
- Abscesses – Peri anal v peri rectal
- Access
- Acet/Ibu Dicscharge Instruction
- ACLS Study Guide
- Acute Asthma Exacerbation Algo v1
- Admit
- AFib with RVR
- After Head CT algo v1
- Agitation
- ALTE v1
- Altered Mental Status/Intoxication
- Anaphylaxis
- Anaphylaxis
- Anemia
- Anti-Bio-Lino-Gram
- Antibiogram 2015.pdf
- AP
- Aspirin Toxicity
- Asthma
- Asthma
- Asymptomatic Elevated Blood Pressure
- Back Pain
- Bad News – Delivering
- Billing/Critical Care time
- Bloody Diarrhea
- BOA, Postpartum Hemorrhage, Neonatal Resus
- Bradycardia
- Brochiolitis
- Bronchiolitis
- Bronchiolitis
- Bronchiolitis algo v1
- Burns
- calculation-variables-example
- Cardiac Arrest
- Cardio-Pulmonary Complaints
- CC
- Cervical spine (c spine)
- Cervical Spine Radiography
- cf-module-example
- Chart
- Chart For Any Complaint (Full Chart with ROS/Exam/Diagnostics)
- Chart made of modules
- chart made with new modules
- Chart NOS not synced
- chart-gen-copy-no-tags
- Chest Pain
- Chest Pain
- Chest Pain – FCS
- Chest Pain (FCS)
- Chest Pain Algorithm
- CHF Exacerbation (Severe)
- chole
- Chronic Pain, Requesting Refill of Narcotics
- Community Acquired Pneumonia v1
- Conjunctivitis (peds)
- conjunctivitis (red eye)
- CoreCodeEDCourse
- CoreCodeExamStandard
- CoreCodeTherapeutically
- CoreCodeTherapeuticallyES123456789
- Crashing Neonate Algorithm v1
- Croup
- Croup
- Crying (irritable) infant
- CSpine
- CSpine
- CXR Indications
- Dehydration – Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE)
- Dehydration – Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE)
- Delivering Bad News (Credit: BMC Core Residency Lecture)
- Derm – topicals (e.g. for tx for psoriasis)
- dev – asthma mild
- dev – back pain
- dev – central venous line
- dev – dm pyelo
- dev – elevated bp
- dev – headache v aloc
- dev – kidney stone
- dev – push dose pressors
- dev – syncope loc
- Diabetes (new onset)
- Discharge Instructions
- Discharge instructions – peds
- Discharge Instructions (RN)
- Discharged with sedation
- Disclaimer
- Dispo
- DKA diabetic ketoacidosis
- Documentation
- dropdown-example
- Dx
- DXLabs
- Ectopic
- Ectopic
- Ectopic (rule out)
- ED Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
- EKG – Non-specific repolarization abnormalities
- EKG (peds) Normal
- EKG Anatomy/Axis (from Life in the Fast Lane)
- EKG/ECG rhythm template (from Life in the Fast Lane)
- EKGs
- Electrolyte Repletion
- Eloped
- example chart cdssfb
- Example sync
- Facial Laceration
- Facial Laceration
- Febrile Seizure
- Fever
- Fever (Pediatric)
- Fever Peds work up PDF – pemsource.org
- Fever Without A Clinical Source v1
- first chart from form builder
- first chart with mod from cdssfb
- Flank Pain
- Fracture (description/classification)
- Generic Note Structure
- Head CT (trauma)
- Headache (benign)
- Headache v aloc
- HIV Testing (in CA)
- HPI anemia
- HPI gynecologic
- HPI snippet not bleeding
- HPIInfection
- hyperemesis gravidarum
- Hyperkalemia
- Hypothermia
- Ibuprofen Discharge Instructions (Adult)
- In Dev
- Insulin (Credit: UCSF Resident Handbook)
- Insussception algo v1
- Intussusception
- Laceration
- Laceration Repair (abx credit from WikEM)
- Lacerations
- Lacerations module original
- Lactic Acidosis
- Lidocaine
- Limp – Hip Pain
- Limp Hip Pain algo v1
- Los Angeles Community Resources
- LVH and ST Elevation
- Malaria
- MDM (Generic)
- Medical-Legal
- Mental Health Initiative Clinical Reference
- Meta-analysis: CT within 6 hours to exclude SAH?
- Meta-Analysis: Steroids to prevent rebound migraines
- metav4
- Migraine
- Migraine
- Migraine algo v1
- mod_ AP
- mod_ CC
- mod_ Diagnostically
- mod_ Disposition
- mod_ DxCXR
- mod_ DxEKG
- mod_ DxLabs
- mod_ EDCourse
- mod_ Exam
- mod_ HPI
- mod_ PMH
- mod_ ReEval
- mod_ Supplemental Documentation
- mod_ Therapeutically
- mod_ Tx
- mod_ Working Empiric
- most-common-ed-complaints
- MSE (Medical Screening Exam Template)
- MSE template
- NALS – Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithm (NALS)
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Nausea/Vomiting (Peds)
- Nehroplithiasis recs
- Neonatal Resus
- Neonatal Resuscitation PDF – pemsource.org
- Nephrolitiasis algo v1
- neurological exam test
- new post from wp
- Non-accidental trauma (doubt)
- NSAID Toxicity
- Observation Note
- One pill can kill
- Opiod Prescriptions – californiaacep.org
- Ovarian Torsion
- Pain control – equianalgesic doses
- PALS Study Guide
- Ped C Spine algo v1
- Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis v1
- Pediatric Fever Presentation 2017
- Pediatric Weight Based Dosing Calculator
- PediatricChestPainModule
- Peds Pain Meds
- Pelvic Exam
- Peri-orbital cellulitis
- Peritonsillar Abscess
- Pharyngitis
- Pharyngitis algo v1
- PID algo v1
- Pneumonia
- Pnuemonia (PNA)
- Postpartum hemorrage
- Psych Medical Evaluation
- public
- Q waves
- Rash
- ReEval
- Resources – long list of all ancillary support services for mental health (e.g. Legal, etc)
- Resources children torrance provider list.pdf
- Resources detox centers.docx – Hword 2014
- Resources mental health wellness programs flier.pdf
- Resources.Senior Resources.docx – Hword 2014
- Resusciation of the Neonate from SIM
- Rib fractures
- RN Discharge instructions (peds)
- Seizure
- Seizures
- Sepsis
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Assault < 12 years algo v1
- Sexual Assault <12
- Sexual Assault Algo Older Than 12 years v1
- Sexual Assault SANECARD
- Shoulder dystocia
- Sickle Cell Crisis
- Sign Out
- SIRS – MedTx
- SOB – Approach
- Sober (clinically)
- Spanish (from old post that I put up on WikEM)
- Splints and Cast
- SS v NMS
- Status Epilepticus Algo v1
- Steroids Equivalency
- Stress Tests
- Stridor (often croup)
- Suicidal Ideation (not agitated)
- Syncope
- Syncope – LOC – FCS
- Syncope Algo v1
- Syncope EKG
- Syncope-LOC
- Tag sync check
- Template MDM
- Template Note
- Test – FCS
- text-vs-number-variables
- Thoracotomy
- Thoracotomy – Indications
- Thoracotomy: Western Trauma Perspective
- Thrombotic Trombocytopenic Purpura (TTP)
- torrance mental health.docx
- Toxicology NOS
- TP 1 xyz
- TP 2 xyz
- TP 9 xyz
- Trauma
- Trauma – Abd Blunt Trauma
- Trauma – Abd Blunt Trauma
- Trauma – Head
- Trauma head algo v1
- Tylenol/Advil D/c Instructions (Kaiser)
- Ultrasound List of POC Curated Resources:
- Untitled
- upper abdominal copy
- US Cardiac © MedTx, LLC 2017
- US Renal ED v Formal
- uti
- Ventilation Complications
- Vital Signs Peds (Credit: Rosen’s Text)
- VP Shunt
- VP Shunt Algo v1
- Waste garbage disposal guidelines
- Well-Appearing (Peds)
- WorkingDx
- .AllPosts
- .emergency
- .frequentnotes
- abdominal
- BOOM! No results found.
- access
- back
- bedside
- cardiac
- cardio
- cards
- CDSSpeds
- BOOM! No results found.
- cfmodules
- AP
- CC
- Chart made of modules
- CoreCodeTherapeuticallyES123456789
- Dispo
- DXLabs
- HPIInfection
- mod_ AP
- mod_ CC
- mod_ Diagnostically
- mod_ Disposition
- mod_ DxCXR
- mod_ DxEKG
- mod_ DxLabs
- mod_ EDCourse
- mod_ Exam
- mod_ HPI
- mod_ PMH
- mod_ ReEval
- mod_ Supplemental Documentation
- mod_ Therapeutically
- mod_ Tx
- mod_ Working Empiric
- PediatricChestPainModule
- Untitled
- chest
- covid
- BOOM! No results found.
- derm
- diabetes
- DischargeInstructions
- doc
- BOOM! No results found.
- documentation
- dose
- Endo
- Ent
- environmental
- EssentialArticles
- general
- BOOM! No results found.
- GI
- GU
- Gyn
- harbor
- harbor-details
- Antibiogram 2015.pdf
- Resources – long list of all ancillary support services for mental health (e.g. Legal, etc)
- Resources children torrance provider list.pdf
- Resources detox centers.docx – Hword 2014
- Resources mental health wellness programs flier.pdf
- Resources.Senior Resources.docx – Hword 2014
- torrance mental health.docx
- head
- heme
- BOOM! No results found.
- ID
- medicolegal
- meds
- medtx
- neuro
- nosMed
- np17
- BOOM! No results found.
- nuero
- BOOM! No results found.
- ob-gyn
- ophtho
- ortho
- pain
- papers
- peds
- .Emergent Interventions (Peds)
- Abscess
- Acet/Ibu Dicscharge Instruction
- Anaphylaxis
- Anaphylaxis
- Asthma
- Asthma
- Bloody Diarrhea
- BOA, Postpartum Hemorrhage, Neonatal Resus
- Brochiolitis
- Bronchiolitis
- Bronchiolitis
- Cervical spine (c spine)
- Chest Pain
- Chest Pain
- Conjunctivitis (peds)
- Croup
- Croup
- Crying (irritable) infant
- CSpine
- CSpine
- Dehydration – Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE)
- Dehydration – Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE)
- Discharge instructions – peds
- DKA diabetic ketoacidosis
- Ectopic
- Ectopic
- EKG (peds) Normal
- Facial Laceration
- Facial Laceration
- Febrile Seizure
- Fever
- Fever (Pediatric)
- Fever Peds work up PDF – pemsource.org
- Intussusception
- Limp – Hip Pain
- Migraine
- NALS – Neonatal Resuscitation Algorithm (NALS)
- Nausea/Vomiting (Peds)
- Neonatal Resuscitation PDF – pemsource.org
- Non-accidental trauma (doubt)
- One pill can kill
- PALS Study Guide
- Pediatric Fever Presentation 2017
- Peds Pain Meds
- Peri-orbital cellulitis
- Pharyngitis
- Pnuemonia (PNA)
- Resusciation of the Neonate from SIM
- RN Discharge instructions (peds)
- Seizures
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Assault <12
- Shoulder dystocia
- Stridor (often croup)
- Syncope
- Trauma – Abd Blunt Trauma
- Trauma – Abd Blunt Trauma
- Trauma – Head
- Tylenol/Advil D/c Instructions (Kaiser)
- Vital Signs Peds (Credit: Rosen’s Text)
- VP Shunt
- Well-Appearing (Peds)
- PedsAlgorithms
- Abscess
- Anaphylaxis
- Anaphylaxis
- Asthma
- Brochiolitis
- Bronchiolitis
- Bronchiolitis
- Cervical spine (c spine)
- Chest Pain
- Chest Pain
- Croup
- Croup
- CSpine
- CSpine
- Dehydration – Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE)
- Dehydration – Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE)
- DKA diabetic ketoacidosis
- Ectopic
- Ectopic
- Facial Laceration
- Facial Laceration
- Fever
- Intussusception
- Limp – Hip Pain
- Migraine
- Pharyngitis
- Pnuemonia (PNA)
- Seizures
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Assault <12
- Syncope
- Trauma – Abd Blunt Trauma
- Trauma – Abd Blunt Trauma
- Trauma – Head
- VP Shunt
- posted
- ppts
- procedures
- projects
- psych
- psychosocial
- pulm
- pulmonary
- BOOM! No results found.
- rads
- RegionalResources(LA)
- Renal
- resus
- BOOM! No results found.
- resuscitation
- San Joaquin tUC
- SmartNotes
- Abdominal Pain (Lower)
- Abdominal Pain (RLQ)
- Abdominal Pain (Upper)
- Asthma
- Asymptomatic Elevated Blood Pressure
- Back Pain
- Bloody Diarrhea
- Bradycardia
- Cervical Spine Radiography
- Chest Pain Algorithm
- CHF Exacerbation (Severe)
- Chronic Pain, Requesting Refill of Narcotics
- Conjunctivitis (peds)
- Crying (irritable) infant
- Discharged with sedation
- EKG – Non-specific repolarization abnormalities
- EKGs
- Fever (Pediatric)
- Flank Pain
- Head CT (trauma)
- Headache v aloc
- HPI anemia
- HPI gynecologic
- HPI snippet not bleeding
- Hypothermia
- Laceration Repair (abx credit from WikEM)
- MSE (Medical Screening Exam Template)
- Nausea/Vomiting (Peds)
- Non-accidental trauma (doubt)
- NSAID Toxicity
- Rib fractures
- Stridor (often croup)
- Syncope EKG
- Syncope-LOC
- Template Note
- Trauma
- Spanish
- test
- ToBePosted
- ToBePosts
- Tools
- tox
- trauma
- triage
- US
- veins